646f9e108c A shortened, re-dubbed and much funnier take on "Hellsing Ultimate" (2006). Follow Alucard on his long, enthusiastic walks, and follow Seras, the police girl,she comes to terms with her vampirism. And nets a sweet-ass cannon in the process. A comical abridged version of "Hellsing Ultimate (2006)" with amusing parody dubbing. I've seen quite a few Abridged series, but nothing compares to Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. Without a doubt this is the funniest thing you will ever watch. Since it is an Abridged series, comedy is it's main focus and boy does it hit the nail on the head. The comedic writing is near flawless. There are so many clever one liners that I could quote for days. The voice acting is very impressive. Compared to the original Hellsing Ultimate, the voice actors get it pretty close. I highly recommend watching it. That is if you can get past all the crude humor and cursing, which there is a lot of, but that's to be expected if you've seen to original.
Resatage Admin replied
338 weeks ago